Make your business grow with safe and reliable Smart Vending Machines and Smart Lockers


    Automated Retail

    Self service kiosks usually located in high traffic areas selling premium quality products.


    Application program interface is a set of routines, protocols, and tools that specify how software components should interact.

    All in one dashboard

    A control panel enabling the management of all features from a single platform

    Asset Management

    Asset Management means the management of a company's resources: it can refer to financial resources (investments and savings) but also to material resources such as electronic devices (computers, phones, printers, projectors, etc.) owned by the company itself.

    As far as material resources are concerned, it is important to be able to store them in a place that is safe but also accessible to those in charge: through Smart Locker, it is not only possible to store the company's material without danger but also to keep under control who accesses the bay in which it is stored.



    Technology which allows Mobile Apps to listen for signals from beacons in the physical world and react accordingly.


    BOPIS is the acronym of Buy Online, Pickup In Store, and is a "subset" of Click & Collect.

    in these cases, we can buy (and pay) online but physically pick up the product at a store.

    In the traditional BOPIS, the withdrawal of the product takes place inside the store and this involves some disadvantages for the user:

    - we can only pick up the order during store opening hours (we might find the store already closed when we get out of work, for example)
    - it is necessary to queue up at the cashier or at the counter to wait for one's turn and have the goods delivered

    This process can be greatly improved by using WIB Smart Lockers that can be installed both inside and outside the store: when the order is ready to be picked up, the customer receives a notification on his smartphone and, through a QR code, can open his compartment in total autonomy and security, at any day and any time, regardless of store opening hours.


    Click & Collect

    Click & Collect is a purchasing formula that begins online - buying and paying through an online platform - but ends offline, going to pick up the goods at a physical point of sale or at a Smart Locker.

    Some stores or supermarkets provide smart lockers so that users can pick up what they have purchased at the time they prefer, without having to comply with the opening hours of the activity.

    Users are notified that the goods are ready for pickup by an email or a notification on their smartphone; to open the locker compartment and pick up their order, all they have to do is use their smartphone.

    Cloud-based platform

    A cloud-based platform is a platform that relies on the Cloud, which is a storage space that is accessible anytime, anywhere simply by using an internet connection.

    Using a cloud platform has a whole host of benefits:

    - reduced costs
    - reduced risk of technology failure resulting in lost time and money
    - flexibility
    - ease of collaboration and sharing
    - always up-to-date technology
    - virtually unlimited storage capacity
    - greater respect for the environment
    - high security

    Corporate Welfare

    Corporate welfare is the set of practices that companies and employers adopt to increase the welfare of workers and their families.

    In the measures of corporate welfare there are all the interventions and tools that allow to facilitate workers in the management of daily tasks, for example through the delivery of products in the company (groceries, medicines, packages in general).

    The best solution for this need are Smart Lockers, fully automated lockers that represent an advantage not only for the employees but also for the company.


    Coworking spaces are spaces equipped to allow users to carry out their work tasks just as if they were inside a company's office.

    They are facilities that are aimed especially at freelance workers who need a space to work in peace or startups with the need for an office where to start the business.

    These spaces aim to offer users different services to ensure maximum convenience: meeting rooms, small kitchens, and even Smart Lockers available to users.

    Thanks to smart lockers, those working in a coworking space can:

    - store their personal belongings (especially when they need to be away)

    - Receive packages and goods

    - have their shopping delivered online, especially in the case of refrigerated Smart Lockers

    For more information on smart lockers in coworking spaces, read the dedicated article.


    Many users who buy online still prefer to pay cash on delivery (C.O.D.), i.e. to pay in cash when the package is delivered (instead of paying by credit card at the time of ordering).

    The use of Smart Lockers - which do not foresee interaction between user and courier at the moment of delivery - could discourage users who wish to pay cash on delivery; however, thanks to the CSoD (Card Swipe on Delivery) formula, it is possible to pay by credit card or debit card directly at the Smart Locker at the moment of collection of the package, without the need to pay at the moment of online purchase.


    Digital Signage

    Technologies such as LCD, LED and Projection that display content as images, videos, streaming media and information.


    Face Detection

    It's an artificial intelligence technique that allows a device to recognize a person's identity by analyzing their facial features.

    Our WIB Smart Lockers, if required, can use facial recognition to determine the identity of a person and open the bay when the system recognizes the person authorized to access it.

    In this way, to open one's compartment, one only needs to place their face in front of the locker, without the need to use badges, smartphones or other objects.

    For the implementation of this access system, special attention is paid to privacy and security aspects.


    Handling System

    Technology that permits the movement, protection, storage and control of products.



    IoT stands for "Internet of Things": this expression refers to the connection to the network of devices and objects in common use (from household appliances to clothing) so that they can interact with each other.

    Potentially anything can be connected to the internet and interact with other objects without the need for human intervention.

    Thanks to IoT, a whole series of possibilities and applications open up, whose objective is to improve the quality of life both within the home and the work environment and in the use of services.


    Multiple picking

    Selection, pickup and delivery of more than one product simultaneously.

    Modular Structure

    A structure made of components that can be separated and recombined.



    NFC stands for "Near Field Communication".

    It is a transceiver technology that allows two terminals to communicate with each other wirelessly and at a short range (a few cm away from each other); it is the same technology that allows us to pay with ATM or contactless credit card simply by bringing the cards close to the POS.

    The WIB Smart Lockers exploit the NFC technology to allow the opening of the bay in an even easier way, using different terminals that you just have to approach the locker to open it: your company badge, your smartphone, a special bracelet, etc.


    Omnichannel Experience

    The omnichannel experience is the experience that you want to offer to the consumer and that is based on a multi-channel approach in which all contact points interact with each other in a fluid way to ensure an excellent user experience.

    For example, with Smart vending machines, it is possible to select the product we want to buy directly from our smartphone, paying directly and going to the machine only to pick up the product; during the pickup, the vending machine can - through its screen - give us information or suggestions based on what we have just bought or what we have bought in the past.


    Parcel Locker

    Parcel Lockers are Smart Lockers that are used as real mailboxes regardless of the residence of the users who use them.

    A person who is often away from home, in fact, may decide to use a Parcel Locker located in a strategic area (shopping center, company, etc..) to receive mail in a convenient point for collection.

    These lockers can be particularly useful in tourist complexes since those staying there can continue to receive goods and packages even in the holiday resort, or send items before departure and find them at the hotel upon arrival.

    Pickup Stations

    Pickup Stations are Smart Lockers installed in strategic areas (post offices, shopping centers, airports, stations, universities, etc.) that can be used by users to have goods typically ordered online delivered.

    The convenience of this system is the ability to pick up the goods at the time that is most congenial to us: if sometimes we have to submit to the opening hours of the businesses that host the Pickup Stations (as in the case of shopping centers and post offices) other times - as happens with stations and airports - these lockers are accessible day and night.

    They are the best solution for all those who need to receive goods when they are away from home but cannot have them delivered to their company or to the place where they spend most of the day when they are away from home.

    Push Notification

    Push notifications are notifications that we receive (especially on our smartphones, but we can also receive them on our computers or tablets) from a service or an app with the aim of proactively providing useful information to the user without them having to request it first.

    For example, the app used to manage the Smart Locker bays in the airport (such as the one we have installed in the VIP Lounge at Turin airport) not only allows the user to open and close the locker compartment but through push notifications provides passengers with useful information about the journey (gate number, change of gate, delays, boarding, etc.).


    QR Code

    A QR code is a code represented by a two-dimensional square bar that contains encoded data.

    In order to access the data contained in the QR code, it is necessary to scan the code through the smartphone, after downloading a special app: by scanning the code you are redirected to the target content, or a specific action is performed.

    For example, in some cases, the compartments of the WIB Smart Lockers can be opened by scanning a unique QR code that the user receives on their smartphone.


    Smart Canteen

    The Smart Canteen is also called "canteen 4.0", expressions used to indicate the evolution of the company canteen.

    This evolution is realized, for example, by giving employees the possibility to book in advance (the day before or even a few hours before in some cases) the meal they want to eat at work the next day (or the day they will be at the company) through an app and pick up the meal from special refrigerated Smart Food Lockers.

    These lockers keep the food at an optimal temperature until the moment of pickup, which takes place in total autonomy at the most convenient time for the worker (who has received a QR code on his smartphone that allows him to open the compartment with his meal or who has an NFC device - it could be the same company badge - that allows access).

    In this way, queues and assemblies are avoided, ensuring that staff can eat lunch in the company safely and conveniently.

    Smart Locker

    Smart Lockers are in fact lockers connected to the internet that can be used in total autonomy by users and couriers, without the presence of dedicated staff for their management.

    Thanks to these lockers, it is possible to receive goods without being physically present at the time of delivery; once the package has been placed in the bay, the user is notified by an email or a notification on his smartphone, so that he knows that - from that moment - he can pick up what he has received.

    The bay of a Smart Locker can be opened through one's smartphone, with fingerprints, or through a special bracelet.

    These smart lockers prove providential in a whole range of situations where there is a need to combine the need for security, convenience, and ease of management.

    Smart Retail

    Smart Retail refers to the techniques and technologies used to make the user's shopping experience in physical stores more satisfying and personalized.

    The goal of Smart Retail is not only to get the customer to complete a transaction but also to provide the user with an experience that will entice them to return to the store in the future, for example with personalized advertisements and helpful tips based on the user's previous purchases.

    Smart Vending Machine

    Smart vending machines are "evolved" vending machines: this means that they offer a whole series of additional functions that allow you to buy products inside the machine in an even easier and more convenient way.

    For example, instead of using coins or the classic "keys", you can pay through your smartphone or credit card, or you can decide the item to buy from a special application, even remotely, instead of through the interface available on the vending machine itself.

    In addition, Smart vending machines are usually equipped with large LED screens that not only allow you to quickly browse and select the products to be purchased but can also perform other functions:

    - provide information to the user based on the choices they make from the menu
    - give visibility to certain products or promotions
    - disseminate notices and useful information to users


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