Make your business grow with safe and reliable Smart Vending Machines and Smart Lockers

Benefits of WIB Smart Lockers for visitors:

  • securely store backpacks, bags, suitcases, coats
  • no need for keys or receipts to retrieve personal belongings
  • no queuing for collection after the visit is over

Advantages of the WIB Smart Locker for museums:

  • increased security
  • increased visitor retention
  • no dedicated staff required
  • no large space required for installation

Very often the visit to a museum takes place in the context of an excursion or a vacation: for this reason it happens to have backpacks, bags or luggage that can make the visit difficult and uncomfortable.

Moreover, inside a museum there can be a whole series of objects of common use that are not allowed and it is therefore necessary to get rid of them before entering; in the same way, when we visit a museum in the cold season we often find ourselves walking around with our coats in hand.

With the use of Smart Lockers, museum visitors, before entering, can store all those objects that they will not use during the visit and that they need to take back once the excursion is over.

Unlike traditional lockers, Smart Lockers are opened by smartphone, fingerprint or a special bracelet, so there is no need to carry tickets, keys or receipts that could be lost.

Since it is a fully automated system, then, there is no need to employ dedicated staff to assist visitors who are able to open and close the bays independently.


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